Scott: My Testimony of the Truth

Hi, my name is Ricardo from Arizona and I felt like I should speak out something that I felt very important to me, something that is very dear and close to my heart. And what inspired this video, I guess is I heard once an apostle – they were giving a talk at the DYU. They said that we should share our testimonies with anybody. So that’s what I’m here to do, that’s what this video is here for.

I’m going to share my testimony and share eternal truths that I have, by the power of the Holy Ghost, come to know too. First I’d like to testify of the Book of Mormon. I know that it’s true. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and I know that the Bible is the word of God as well. I’m so grateful for the Book of Mormon because it adds so much light and so much knowledge, it helps right my understanding, it helps me draw closer to the Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ.

I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet of God and I know that, through the power of God, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith one day read in James, the first chapter, 5th verse and he talks about if we lack knowledge, we can ask God. God is there to answer. He is going to answer, we just have to open the door and Jesus will come into our lives. I’m so grateful of what Joseph Smith did. He asked the Father in Heaven which Church he should join and that led him to give inspiration and I’m so grateful for that.

I know that Joseph Smith restored the Church of Jesus Christ. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom once again established on Earth. And it’s a church – it really has been organized by Jesus Christ. The organization itself is perfect.

I know that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet on the Earth today. I know that he has all the priesthood keys. I know that he is being led by our father in heaven, that he is being led by Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ came down among us and suffered for our sins. I know that the power of the atonement really works. I used to think that the atonement was something that only really wicked people needed. But I’ve quickly come to find out that the atonement is really for each and every one of us. I know that none of us are perfect. The only perfect one was Jesus Christ. I’m grateful for Jesus Christ and his eternal sacrifice. I’m so grateful that I’ve come to this knowledge.

I know that Jesus Christ, on the third day, rose from the tomb and I know that he lives today, he lives in Heaven with our Father. I am grateful that I have such loving parents that guide me and help me with my troubles and my hardships and my triumphs, no matter how hard they may seem or how simple they may be. The temples are a very sacred place. They are a very god way to draw closer to our father in Heaven. I am very grateful for temples because they have a tendency to draw you to think about the eternal happiness.

I know that I’m a child of God. I know that I was created in the image of God. I know that I am a spirit child of our heavenly Father. I know that he has so much love for me, as his child. I know that there is so much love that he send my elder brother, Jesus Christ to die for me on the cross and suffer in the garden of Gethsemane. I know that I am of infinite worth and that I have potential to become like my heavenly father. To become as even as he is. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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  • Dan: Wow, what a great testimony. Very inspirational. Short and s…

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