Anna: My Testimony of the Gospel

My name is Hannah and I want to bear a testimony for you. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just wanted to share with everyone what I know. I know that my church is true. I know that it’s the same church that Jesus set up in the New Testament. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that the Bible is the word of God.

I know that we have a prophet today, named Thomas S. Monson. I know that the church was established by Joseph Smith and that he really did have a vision. He really did see the Heavenly Father and Jesus and was instructed to found the church, to bring it back to the Earth. I know that reading scriptures every day has improved my life. I know that repentance is the greatest blessing ever. And I know that with the atonement of Jesus Christ, through his suffering that I am able to be forgiven for my sins. That justice can be satisfied and that I can be clean, which is pretty cool.

I know that the temple is a holy place where sacred ordinances can be made for time and all eternity. Where people can be married forever and not just until death. Where you can make all the covenants you can make to get back to the Heavenly Father, to live with him in his kingdom. I know that the path to salvation is true. I know that I chose to come here and that I was chosen to come in this time because it would be hard – but I was up for it.

I know that being a woman has inspired me, that it’s helped me a whole lot already. I love going to church because I love being with my brothers and sisters. I love worshiping with people who are of the same blood, of the same flesh, of the same molecules as I am, the same beliefs. I know that the missionary work is one of the greatest works that can be done here on this earth and I look forward to the day that I will serve in mission.

I know that being a mother is a divine responsibility and a divine blessing and I look forward to the day that I’ll become a mom. I know that marriage is sacred. I look forward to being a wife too. It’s hard to consolidate everything – but I know that my redeemer lives and I know that Jesus was resurrected and that’s why the miracles of life are possible.

I know that we can make it back if we do our best. I love my Heavenly Father, I love Jesus Christ. I love the Holy Spirit and I am grateful that we are given a comforter to help us. I know my church is true. I know it with every bit of me and I’m so thankful that I have it in my life. And I’m grateful, I’m really, really grateful. I know. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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