My Testimony after Baptism

I came to know that the Church of Jesus Christ is true because one day I woke and wanted something different. I don’t know what it was. It was a feeling inside my heart and I went to watch TV. I didn’t write all of these things but this is what I wanted to read to you guys, so I can tell you at the same time I knew something wasn’t right that day that I got up. And it was just so sad, I didn’t write all of this, but I wanted to tell you and so that you can record it.

It just was like this weird feeling that I knew that I was lost – you know what I’m saying? Like I couldn’t find my way home, it was the strangest… I just wanted different. This was not it. I felt confused, lost and I was in my own home but I felt like I needed to go home. You see what I’m saying? It was crazy.

So I got up and turned the TV on and there was this guy on TV, his name is Joel Olstein, I don’t know if you ever seen him before. But he’s a pastor that does TV type of deal from Huston, Texas. And he has like the friendliest eyes ever. But that same day, I sat and I listened. So the guy came on and I normally would change, but today the church channel was really holding me to not change it. And I sat there and I listened and then I started crying. I wanted to feel the feeling that I felt that moment when I started crying and I was listening to his words. Cause he was reading from the Bible, he was doing Scriptures. And I was feeling him – the words meant something different this time when he was reading.

So I wanted to feel like that in that moment. And when he quoted, I wanted to hear more. So I began to pray. And I prayed like my life depended on it. And then he said to find a good Bible-based church. He always says that at the end of the show. And then, at this point, I’m starting to ponder. I’m crying and pondering on that I needed to find a good church. Is that what’s wrong with me? I need to find a good church.

But I thought about it and who really wants to be around a bunch of pushy people in your life? Who needs that? I was sitting, thinking about that thought and there was someone knocking at my door. And at that moment I dried my tears up and I peeped out the window and I saw what I thought was some Jehovah’s Witnesses. So what I said was “Jehovah’s Witnesses? Darn!” – that isn’t what I said.

So I looked up, right before I opened the door and I said “Christ, I asked you for a sign, but you sent them!” And so I opened the door with no clothes on and tears on my face and a nasty attitude. But then, a sister said “Nicole, how are you?” and I’m looking like this. She says “Are you doing okay, sister Nicole?” And I knew at that moment, when I looked at her face when she said that, I just had to unlock the door. I knew Heavenly Father had sent her, at that moment.

I needed a sister and kind spirit, a person to listen to me. Tell me the directions to the nearest temple – and that was her. That, on the other hand, the view from my bedroom is the Mormon temple. Every day and every night. He is watching me from up the hill. So I’ve been curious for a while about the temple, I just never really pushed it, you know? And he sent the right people to me. So we prayed, me and the sister that day and I learned about the right Gospel, the right one.

Day one, I felt like I found what I’ve been seeking. And prayed for the truth and the real, not fake people to be around me. And you bet, I cried, but everyone there is real. They are nice and decent people. And my real fellow brethren. I feel complete now and a little scared because my prayers are being answered and that’s not normal for me. The more I learn and pray and follow the commandments, my life has been improving in such a short time that I was wondering where has this church been my whole life. Right up the hill. At the very top, right out my barren window, lid up every night like Motel 6, the light is always on. And now that’s in my heart.

I just wasn’t listening or really looking in the right direction. So my sisterhood and my sister prayed with me and I started a new life that day and never looked back. Pushing forward and enduring to the end. He is the Life and the Light to the world. A light that is endless and can’t ever be darkened.And also, a life which is endless that there can be no more death. Even this mortal shall put on and flip on immortality and this corruption has put on incorruption and shall be brought to stand before the bar of God to be judged of him, according to their words.

Thank you sister, you taught me that. And you awakened my love to read again. I haven’t read anything in 2 years. Now I’m reading 4 books at once. The Book of Mormon, D&C, True to the Faith and a little bit of Gospel Principles. I love my new family and my new life. So that’s how I came to know that the church was true and that the Gospel is really real. And you can’t tell me any different. And I say this in the name of my saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.



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