
Tim: How I Know the LDS Church is True

I’m Tim Gordon and I am a Mormon and this is an experience I had not too long ago. I was talking to somebody about the Mormon church and we got to the conversation where he was saying he knew that the Church wasn’t true and he knew because the Book of Mormon wasn’t true. And I asked him if he had read it and he said no, he didn’t need to. He knew it was false. And I was telling him that you can’t know something is false without experiencing it. He had to read it for himself and he had to pray and ask God. Because that was something that I have done again and again and that’s how I know if things are true or not, by asking God.

So after I had that experience with him, when I was talking to him and we had this conversation about the only way that he could really know is by reading and asking God. When I went home that night I opened up the Book of Mormon and I started reading it. And I just had this warm feeling come over me and I knew it was from God, confirming that the Book of Mormon really is true and that it really is his work. And because of that, I know that the LDS Church or the Mormon Church is the true church of God, it’s his work on this earth.

I’ve had so many other experiences in my life that really made me happy and really brought me closer to God and I’m so thankful that I have had those experiences in my life. And anyone who wants to find those things out for themselves, they can ask God and God will confirm it to them as he has to me that these things are true.



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