Randy: Testimony of God and Jesus Christ

Hello. My name is Randy. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days or the Mormons, as a lot of people call us. I wanna share with you today my personal knowledge of God, our Heavenly Father and of his Son, Jesus Christ.

I have a personal testimony that we have a father in heaven who loves us very much. I know that he knows each one of us, individually by name. And I know that he takes a personal interest in our daily lives because we are all his children. I know that he loves us so much that he is willing to send his holy Son, our Savior, down to the earth to share the wonderful tidings of the Gospel.

Jesus Christ is our Savior – he walked the earth and taught his Gospel to help us to learn and know all the things we need to do in this life that we might find joy and happiness now, today. Through his Gospel we can also know those things we need to do and the ordinances we need to receive in order to return home and to live with him and our Heavenly Father again.

I know that Jesus died on the cross and in doing so, he took upon him all of our sins. I also know that he was resurrected. That he lives today and that because of his resurrection, any one of us will be resurrected and have the opportunity to receive immortality. I also know that we can all receive eternal life. But this only comes as we accept the Gospel, receive the Gospel oridnances and live the Gospel faithfully to the end of our lives.

We can have true joy and happiness right now. And despite what’s going on in the world, we live in some turbulent times and what a wonderful thing it is to have that knowledge. I know all of these things by the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the testifier of truth. Through the Holy Ghost we feel piece in our hearts. When we feel that peace, love, hope, courage, faith, we can know that the things we are hearing and listening to and learning come from God, come from our Heavenly Father.

The invitation from Christ that he gave anciently to come unto him is still valid today. I share this testimony with you now in the hopes that you have a desire to learn more of him, to come unto Christ and to receive rest unto your soul now and to receive eternal happiness forever. I share this testimony with you and give you this invitation in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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  • Dan: Wow, what a great testimony. Very inspirational. Short and s…

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