A Book of Mormon Challenge

My name is Tyson Twice. I have a challenge for each and every one of you on YouTube who maybe could be watching this video right now. I want to challenge each and every one of you who is watching this video right now to read the Book of Mormon – another testament of Jesus Christ. If you have never ever read the Book of Mormon before, read it at least 1 time in your lifetime. If you have read the Book of Mormon, I want you to reread the Book of Mormon at least one more time in your lifetime. If you do not have a Book of Mormon, you can obtain a free copy of the Book of Mormon by calling this phone number. The phone number is 1801-240-1000 or you can obtain a free copy of the Book of Mormon from one of your friends who may be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

You do not need to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to read the Book of Mormon. I send this invitation out to you, to everyone to read the Book of Mormon at least one time or at least one more time in your lifetime. And I want to tell you that men and women can get closer to God by abiding by its precepts and by obeying all of its commandments. The Book of Mormon contains the words of God and the Book of Mormon was written by prophets before the life of Christ, during the life of Christ and after the life of Christ. And they each testify of Christ and the Book of Mormon was written by prophets, here on American continent.

The Bible, the Holy Bible was written by prophets from before the time of Christ, during the time of Christ and after the life of Christ. By prophets who each testify of Jesus Christ in the Eastern hemisphere of the world. And the Book of Mormon and the Bible go hand in hand with each other. They are both very important to read. They are both the words of God for us, here on Earth today. God has asked us to read both of these books, the Book of Mormon being the most important book to read and the Bible being the second most important book to read. And the Book of Mormon is the most good book out of any other book on the Earth, here, today. And I know that it is true and I know that the Bible is true and they both preach of Christ, they both testify of Christ, they both teach us commandments that we must obey to be able to live with God again.

I know that the Book of Mormon and the Bible are both true. And I know that we will live with the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ if we read the Book of Mormon and the Bible and if we obey all of the commandments. And you do not need to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to read the Book of Mormon – everyone must read the Book of Mormon and I want you to write and comment on this page. But please leave kind messages and do not leave any swear words, okay? Just be kind because we all are children of God and God wants each and every one of us to be kind with each other.

And I will say these things in the name of Jesus Christ – Amen!



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