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  • 3 Witnesses Testimony of The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ

    My name is Abe and I will be reading The Testimony of 3 Witnesses:

    “Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come:

    That we, through the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of which hath been spoken. And we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us; wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man.

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  • My Testimony of Prophets in this Day

    Woman: When I was told of the Gospel being restored and the Heavens being opened and Joseph Smith being able to translate by inspiration, someone who was not a learned man but was then chosen to be a prophet – I thought why did the Heavenly Father stopped choosing prophets on this world? Why did that cease? Noah and all of these people who were great men, why did Heavenly Father stop? And when the missionaries helped me understand and […]

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  • My Testimony after Baptism

    I came to know that the Church of Jesus Christ is true because one day I woke and wanted something different. I don’t know what it was. It was a feeling inside my heart and I went to watch TV. I didn’t write all of these things but this is what I wanted to read to you guys, so I can tell you at the same time I knew something wasn’t right that day that I got up. And it […]

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  • Ed Pinegar: Testimony of the True Church

    I’m brother Ed Jelly Pinegar and I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have a testimony of the lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Redeemer. He is the foundation and rock of my life. He is the foundation of the Church. He is the chief cornerstone. I bear witness to you that we are Christians. We are members of his Church that he has founded and restored in these, the Latter Days through the prophet Joseph Smith, April 6th in 1830. The church was begun in this dispensation.

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  • My Testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Hey everybody. So this is my testimony for December 27th, 2009. This is because it changed with time. I believe that there is a God. I believe that we existed before this life. I believe that we came here to gain a body and to be tested and I believe that we live in God’s presence. I believe that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. I believe that if we lived by the Gospel and serve others and do what’s […]

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  • Tom: A Testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    My name is Tom. I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I want to invite you to learn more about this Church. I know that this Church is the only true Church on the face of the Earth. I know that Jesus Christ stands at the head of this Church and he guides this Church through a living prophet. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know that he […]

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  • My Testimony of Joseph Smith

    Hi, I’d like to take this opportunity to talk to you about a church that I joined and a man by the name of Joseph Smith. The Church that I joined is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And the leader of that church, the first president and prophet, is a man by the name of Joseph Smith. Now Joseph Smith, when he was 14, he went into a grove and he knelt down to pray […]

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  • Scott: My Testimony of the Truth

    Hi, my name is Ricardo from Arizona and I felt like I should speak out something that I felt very important to me, something that is very dear and close to my heart. And what inspired this video, I guess is I heard once an apostle – they were giving a talk at the DYU. They said that we should share our testimonies with anybody. So that’s what I’m here to do, that’s what this video is here for. I’m […]

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  • Dan: Wow, what a great testimony. Very inspirational. Short and s…

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