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  • BYU Professor Susan Easton: My Testimony of Joseph Smith

    My name is Susan Easton Black. I’m a professor in religion in Brigham Young University. I was born a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized at age 8 by my father and during the time I was growing up, my grandmother lived in our home. Her job, among many other responsibilities was to make sure that I went to sleep. She would tell me stories at night and she would tell me stories about a man named Joseph Smith. Stories about people in the Book of Mormon and about pioneers…

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  • Rick: My Testimony of the Mormon Church

    My name is Rick and I’ve been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all my life. I was born into the church – my mother and father, I was there, second child and they continued having children, they have 9 children between them. But I grew up knowing the Gospel and when I became a missionary, by becoming a missionary, I decided to read what we call the Scriptures, The Bible, The Book of […]

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  • Real Life Mormon Testimonies

    Man: I’ve got four sisters of which I’m the middle child. I’m the only boy. Woman: I have two other sisters. Man: A lot of people think that Mormons have huge families, that they’re like TLC families or 18 children, they keep on having them. Woman: They actually aren’t like that. I actually have just one brother – there’s just the two of us and I have a mom and a dad and I have multiple moms. Woman:There’s only 2 […]

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  • Testimony of Book of Mormon and Gospel of Jesus Christ

    The Book of Mormon to me is like guidance. It reminds me of Jesus Christ and it reminds me of the suffering he went through and it’s like a daily reminder to me of faith and how to live your life and how to be obedient to the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

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  • Victor: The Book of Mormon Changed my Life

    My name is Victor, I’m from Provo, Utah. I’m 23 years old and I grew up in the church but not always looked into going to church or was interesting in it. I started reading the Book of Mormon and it changed my life. I remember I was really excited to find out that Gordon B. Hinckley was really a prophet, that he was actually a prophet, thinking that he received revelations just like Moses or Abraham or any prophets […]

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  • Lindsay: My Beliefs as a Latter-day Saint

    Hi, my name is Lindsay. My screen name is Aurey, here on YouTube. I’m a member of the Mormon Church, formally called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or LDS for short. I forgot that I can bear my testimony freely here in America and so, I feel I have a responsibility to share what I believe and I really want to in the first place. So first of all, I want to bear testimony about the […]

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  • Randy: Testimony of God and Jesus Christ

    Hello. My name is Randy. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days or the Mormons, as a lot of people call us. I wanna share with you today my personal knowledge of God, our Heavenly Father and of his Son, Jesus Christ. I have a personal testimony that we have a father in heaven who loves us very much. I know that he knows each one of us, individually by name. And I know that […]

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  • Allan: I’m a husband, and father, a Jeep enthusiast, and a Harley rider, and I’m a Mormon.

    Allan: I’m Allan Wilfred. I work on motorcycles for a living off road with my family.

    Laura: I’m Laura Wilfred and I love to cook all kinds of cuisines and I also do design. Allan is just adorable. He doesn’t look adorable, but he’s adorable. When you look at Allen with the choppers on the side and he’s this big, burly guy.

    Allan: Boy, Laura’s quite the gal. To describe her – she’s 100+ miles an hour. I’m pretty happy to go 55 or 60.

    Laura: He’s giving himself credit – he’s like 30. He is such a sweet teddy bear. He cries more than I do.

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  • Dan: Wow, what a great testimony. Very inspirational. Short and s…

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