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  • Irene Caso: I’m A Spaniard, Journalist, Mother and Mormon

    I was born in Madrid, Spain – the greatest country on Earth. I wanted to be a journalist since I was little. Journalism in general I think is the greatest profession ever. I do radio, I do TV, I produce and then I anchor the news. I have amazing persons on the news. I worked up to almost my 9th month of pregnancy and then I decided that I was going to take a break and it was great. I […]

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  • Devin: I am a devoted husband, father of 3, Firefighter/Paramedic, musician, & YES! I’m a Mormon

    I’m a paramedic firefighter for the city of Los Angeles. I really love being a firefighter paramedic. I love being in the thick of things. Everything’s chaotic and you kind of bring some order to that chaos in your training and I really love doing that, it’s what I trained for. There’s 106 fire stations and it doesn’t seem like it’s enough. Seems like it should be 500 fire stations. For 3000 employees to handle well over 4 million people…

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  • Keith Brown: Conversion Story

    I actually started investigating the church back in the early 80’s. What happened is, I actually was watching some television commercials and one of the commercials talked about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and about the Book of Mormon. And being a lover of books, I decided, well I might as well go ahead and order a copy of this book; it might make a great addition for my library. So I sent away and asked […]

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  • Karen: My Conversion to the LDS Church

    Hi. I’m Karen and I’d like to share with you how I came to know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I still recall standing at the top of the stairs as a child and wondering who I was and what my purpose here on Earth was and hungering for that knowledge. I had no real idea where to find it. But the question about my purpose was always there. I attended a Christian denomination at the time and I posed to those that taught me questions that, to them, were unanswerable.

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  • Paul: My Conversion Story

    My conversion was rather interesting. Back in 1968, there was a family that lived on the same street I lived in my home town, Rio de Janeiro and they were really good friends. And I remember seeing the missionaries – those two guys wearing white shirts and ties – come to visit them once in a while. And I was only 12 but I always taught that it was kind of strange – didn’t know who those two were. They […]

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  • Tim: How I Know the LDS Church is True

    I’m Tim Gordon and I am a Mormon and this is an experience I had not too long ago. I was talking to somebody about the Mormon church and we got to the conversation where he was saying he knew that the Church wasn’t true and he knew because the Book of Mormon wasn’t true. And I asked him if he had read it and he said no, he didn’t need to. He knew it was false. And I was […]

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  • Sherri: I know this Church is True

    I always felt like I had a testimony of the Gospel. But later I knew that there are different things that can happen that are challenging and that sometimes you start to question things. But I related it back to when I took an algebra class. And I hadn’t taken algebra in about 25 years and I went back to college and I was taking an algebra class and I was doing really well in the class, I enjoy math […]

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  • Amy: My Testimony about the Mormon Church

    I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which makes me what mostly call a Mormon. And I wanted to bear my testimony of the Church, that I know that the Church is true. And I learned so many amazing things about who I am and where I come from and I know, I have a personal testimony, that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and a Savior who has died for my sins so that I can return to my Heavenly Father.

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