Home » LDS Church (Page 2)

  • Rick: My Testimony of the Mormon Church

    My name is Rick and I’ve been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all my life. I was born into the church – my mother and father, I was there, second child and they continued having children, they have 9 children between them. But I grew up knowing the Gospel and when I became a missionary, by becoming a missionary, I decided to read what we call the Scriptures, The Bible, The Book of […]

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  • Lindsay: My Beliefs as a Latter-day Saint

    Hi, my name is Lindsay. My screen name is Aurey, here on YouTube. I’m a member of the Mormon Church, formally called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or LDS for short. I forgot that I can bear my testimony freely here in America and so, I feel I have a responsibility to share what I believe and I really want to in the first place. So first of all, I want to bear testimony about the […]

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  • Karen: My Conversion to the LDS Church

    Hi. I’m Karen and I’d like to share with you how I came to know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I still recall standing at the top of the stairs as a child and wondering who I was and what my purpose here on Earth was and hungering for that knowledge. I had no real idea where to find it. But the question about my purpose was always there. I attended a Christian denomination at the time and I posed to those that taught me questions that, to them, were unanswerable.

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  • Anna: My Testimony of the Gospel

    My name is Hannah and I want to bear a testimony for you. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just wanted to share with everyone what I know. I know that my church is true. I know that it’s the same church that Jesus set up in the New Testament. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that the Bible is the word of God. I […]

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  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Testimony

    Incomprehensible audio.

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  • Dan: Wow, what a great testimony. Very inspirational. Short and s…

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