Home » LDS Testimonies (Page 2)

  • BYU Professor Susan Easton: My Testimony of Joseph Smith

    My name is Susan Easton Black. I’m a professor in religion in Brigham Young University. I was born a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized at age 8 by my father and during the time I was growing up, my grandmother lived in our home. Her job, among many other responsibilities was to make sure that I went to sleep. She would tell me stories at night and she would tell me stories about a man named Joseph Smith. Stories about people in the Book of Mormon and about pioneers…

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  • Rick: My Testimony of the Mormon Church

    My name is Rick and I’ve been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all my life. I was born into the church – my mother and father, I was there, second child and they continued having children, they have 9 children between them. But I grew up knowing the Gospel and when I became a missionary, by becoming a missionary, I decided to read what we call the Scriptures, The Bible, The Book of […]

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  • Real Life Mormon Testimonies

    Man: I’ve got four sisters of which I’m the middle child. I’m the only boy. Woman: I have two other sisters. Man: A lot of people think that Mormons have huge families, that they’re like TLC families or 18 children, they keep on having them. Woman: They actually aren’t like that. I actually have just one brother – there’s just the two of us and I have a mom and a dad and I have multiple moms. Woman:There’s only 2 […]

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  • Victor: The Book of Mormon Changed my Life

    My name is Victor, I’m from Provo, Utah. I’m 23 years old and I grew up in the church but not always looked into going to church or was interesting in it. I started reading the Book of Mormon and it changed my life. I remember I was really excited to find out that Gordon B. Hinckley was really a prophet, that he was actually a prophet, thinking that he received revelations just like Moses or Abraham or any prophets […]

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  • Lindsay: My Beliefs as a Latter-day Saint

    Hi, my name is Lindsay. My screen name is Aurey, here on YouTube. I’m a member of the Mormon Church, formally called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or LDS for short. I forgot that I can bear my testimony freely here in America and so, I feel I have a responsibility to share what I believe and I really want to in the first place. So first of all, I want to bear testimony about the […]

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  • Randy: Testimony of God and Jesus Christ

    Hello. My name is Randy. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days or the Mormons, as a lot of people call us. I wanna share with you today my personal knowledge of God, our Heavenly Father and of his Son, Jesus Christ. I have a personal testimony that we have a father in heaven who loves us very much. I know that he knows each one of us, individually by name. And I know that […]

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  • Devin: I am a devoted husband, father of 3, Firefighter/Paramedic, musician, & YES! I’m a Mormon

    I’m a paramedic firefighter for the city of Los Angeles. I really love being a firefighter paramedic. I love being in the thick of things. Everything’s chaotic and you kind of bring some order to that chaos in your training and I really love doing that, it’s what I trained for. There’s 106 fire stations and it doesn’t seem like it’s enough. Seems like it should be 500 fire stations. For 3000 employees to handle well over 4 million people…

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  • Amy: My Testimony about the Mormon Church

    I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which makes me what mostly call a Mormon. And I wanted to bear my testimony of the Church, that I know that the Church is true. And I learned so many amazing things about who I am and where I come from and I know, I have a personal testimony, that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and a Savior who has died for my sins so that I can return to my Heavenly Father.

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  • Dan: Wow, what a great testimony. Very inspirational. Short and s…

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