God Really does Know Me

Man: I always believed that there’s a supreme Creator and we’re here because of that Supreme Creator. But when life actually gets so hard that there’s no food, there’s no other things, you feel like that Supreme Creator actually forgot about you. I felt that if God is truly the Father of Heaven, that created us, he should allow us to know the answers to life’s questions that allow us to have peace of mind and have hope in life.

In mid-1998 when I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I was taught by a couple of young men. We call them missionaries. We had good discussions, we talked about life, we talked about spirituality, life before you come to earth, life after earth and I had a wonderful time asking questions, things that have never made sense to me before and were answered by these two young men. And the most amazing thing I learned was that the Supreme Creator is still there and he loves us so much, he wants us to know his plan and be able to live that plan long enough to prepare us to return to him again and to have a better life.

I actually have a very good relationship with this Supreme Creator, which is who we call God. He loves me very much and the more I know about him, the more I’m convinced that he loves me, that he has some good things and good plans for me to do in this life and then, better yet, he has a better plan for me after this life.

Man:Ki was born in Laos. He met and married his wife in Australia. Today, they and their 5 children live in Oakdale, Minnesota. He was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in July, 1998.



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