My Testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Hey everybody. So this is my testimony for December 27th, 2009. This is because it changed with time. I believe that there is a God. I believe that we existed before this life. I believe that we came here to gain a body and to be tested and I believe that we live in God’s presence. I believe that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. I believe that if we lived by the Gospel and serve others and do what’s right, we can overcome the natural man and be perfected in Christ that we may live with him again and have eternal life.

I also believe that there is – actually, I won’t go that deep – I believe that the true Church was restored on the Earth and that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and that it’s true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that Thomas S. Monson is the current prophet and I believe that – I don’t know, there’s a lot to believe so I might not get into that.

But I believe that we’re here on this earth to be tested. And everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect and God knew that. That’s why he sent his only begotten son that he could die for our sins so that we can be forgiven and we can return and live with him again. But only if we work on it. That’s basically the beliefs of the LDS Church and they’re also my beliefs. So I am LDS. I’m Mormon, as some may call it, but I try not to be judgmental. I know that Mormons have a reputation of being judgmental but I really try not to be judgmental. You know, you have to draw the line somewhere. I’m not gonna surround myself with bad influence but I’m not gonna judge somebody, I’m not gonna hate somebody just because of their lifestyle.

Question of the day: Do you believe God exists? Yes or no answers. Don’t start flaming wars – if you don’t know what that is, Google it.



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