Real Life Mormon Testimonies

Man: I’ve got four sisters of which I’m the middle child. I’m the only boy.

Woman: I have two other sisters.

Man: A lot of people think that Mormons have huge families, that they’re like TLC families or 18 children, they keep on having them.

Woman: They actually aren’t like that. I actually have just one brother – there’s just the two of us and I have a mom and a dad and I have multiple moms.

Woman:There’s only 2 kids in my family.

Man: I have two brothers. That’s it.

Woman: Most people think that Mormon chicks get married when they’re like 18 cause they’re super desperate.

Man: I got married not at 18, I was 24 years-old.

Man: I’m not married. I’m dating people. I wanna get married, it just hasn’t happened yet. I’m almost 24.

Woman: I graduate this semester. I’ve made it through not only 4 years of school, but 6 years of school – college without getting married. 24, still not married. It’s kind of weird.

Man: We dated for 18 months. And then we got engaged and called it off and got married 4 months later. So after 2 years of dating this girl, we finally tied the knot.

Woman: I’m 19, almost 20. I don’t plan on getting married till I’m done with grad school.

Man: I don’t want us to have kids either. We’re gonna get the degree before we get the diapers.

Man: I’m from Rigby, Idaho. Not all Mormons are from Utah. We’re everywhere.

Woman: I’m from Hong Kong.

Man: Our church is worldwide. There’s actually more member of the church living outside of the US than inside the US.

Woman: I grew up in Canada, I was born in Hong Kong, though.

Man: There is this cookie-cutter, only in Utah – I grew up in California! I lived for 2 years in Brooklyn.

Woman: And I’m from South Carolina, not Utah, not Idaho, not any Mormon state, as some people thing.

Woman: A couple of misconceptions I think people have about our religion is that we don’t welcome other ethnic groups into our church, which isn’t true.

Man: We love everyone. The church is in Africa, the church is everywhere.

Woman: There are a lot of different races in our church. I’m from South Dakota and there are a lot of African Americans there. If you guys take a look, there’s a picture of me with an African American on the refrigerator.

Man: I think that the common misunderstanding is that Mormons are these freaky cults that sacrifice animals or they’re Amish or they’re these cookie-cutter people. Polygamy is a big one and that’s simply not true.

Woman: What’s up? Come inside! Take a look around in here and you’ll see that we have not one picture of Jesus, but we have two! There’s one over here. A lot of people think we worship Joseph Smith and we have a lot of Joseph Smith pictures everywhere. Pictures of the living prophet – we do have a picture of the prophet over here, but you’ll see that the main focus in our apartment is Jesus Christ.

Woman: From our first article, I think, we believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

Woman: Most people think that Mormons don’t believe in Christ and that they believe in Joseph Smith as a God or Moroni.

Woman: Yeah, we believe in God. And Joseph Smith, he’s a prophet.

Man: Mormons is just a nickname. The church has always been The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Woman: My church is based on the Heavenly Father and his plan and his son.

Woman: But actually, we believe in God and his son, Jesus Christ and we don’t worships Joseph Smith. We respect him and appreciate what he did, but we don’t like, bow down to him.

Man: Joseph Smith was a prophet just like Noah or Abraham or Moses. He was just in our generation. We believe in Jesus Christ and he is the son of God and he did do what the Bible – which we read, it’s my favorite to read, the scriptures, the gospels. We believe that he is the son of God, that he came down and he did everything that he says he did. He is our Savior if we accept him – that is my belief and that is the belief of millions of other Mormons.

Woman: We do have a book of Mormon, but we also have the Bible. The Bible was here first, we believe in Jesus Christ, obviously, we believe in the Bible.

Man: We believe in the Bible. King James comes in front of everything else we read. We quote that just as much we would any other book.

Man: So that idea that we worship some other being other than God or Jesus Christ is absolutely not true. And it’s absolutely not true for me.



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