Victor: The Book of Mormon Changed my Life

My name is Victor, I’m from Provo, Utah. I’m 23 years old and I grew up in the church but not always looked into going to church or was interesting in it. I started reading the Book of Mormon and it changed my life.

I remember I was really excited to find out that Gordon B. Hinckley was really a prophet, that he was actually a prophet, thinking that he received revelations just like Moses or Abraham or any prophets of the old. I thought that was super cool, thinking that there was actually a man on earth just like that. Or 12 apostles – that was the most exciting thing ever, finding that out. Reading the Book of Mormon, remembering that all that was real and that actually happened here in the Americas was amazing.

I’m so thankful that I got around to reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it to be able to get a testimony of it. I know that Joseph Smith saw God, the Father and the Son and the Book of Mormon is the true word of God. I hope that someday, a lot of people that haven’t had the opportunity, can get that opportunity and receive the same answer that I received.



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